Thursday, January 29, 2015

National Debt Rot Festers Obama Wants To Remove Sequester

Obama is becoming cockier with each passing day
Angered that the voters did not give him his way
Elections even midterms have consequences; the results matter
The Blues’ stranglehold on the Senate was shattered
Just like in foreign policy where ISIS was the Jayvee team
And al Qaeda was beaten and on the run, passing his budget is in a world of dreams
Not content with 18 trillion in debt he is ready to pick up the pace
Spending 7 percent more with the illusion that offsetting cuts and revenue adds will be put in place
As the rot from the increasing national debt continues to fester
Obama is on a course to remove the hard fought prior sequester
We are sadly to our children's detriment in this disastrous mess
 Because spending priorities both parties are loathe to address
But you have to hand it to this President who loves to tax and spend
Dangles the bait of military increases to into his pet projects more money send
We cannot have a secure nation whose options are hobbled in crushing debt
Especially when the odds of this President cooperating are anything but a sure bet.
© January 29, 2015 Michael P. Ridley aka the Alaskanpoet
Alaskanpoet for Hire, Poems to Admire
Poet Extraordinaire Beyond Compare
Rhymes for the Memorable Times
The Perfect Gift, All Recipients to Receive a Lasting Lift

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