Thursday, July 21, 2022

Picketing and Protesting in Front of Kavanaugh Has Spread to His Neighborhood


The seeds of “Get in their face” and “You are not wanted here” hate
Planted by Maxine Waters have come to germinate
With Roe v. Wade having gone down to overturning defeat
Leftist zealots and fanatics their hatred of Trump appointees ready to reap|
Kavanaugh home was picketed by angry protestors trying to his ruling intimidate
After a leftist probably a SCOTUS clerk leaked a draft opinion of Roe’s likely fate
Intimidating federal judges near their homes is a federal crime but Garland refused to prosecute
The stage was set for an attempted assassination to take root
Fortunately the assassin after traveling from Simi Valley to Kavanaugh’s home knew he needed mental illness aid
Called his sister who advised him to call 911 on himself and end to his assassinate Kavanaugh crusade
The protests against Kavanaugh continue unabated to expand to his neighbors include
Nightly to on their and their children’s peace and quiet and sense of person safety intrude
Maxine Waters if she had a single thread of class
Would appear before the protestors to urge them that this night of protest should be their last
Sadly any chance of unseating her is a long shot pipe dream
Too safe a district but if House flips, we dilute the power of her rants and screams

© July 21, 2022 The Alaskanpoet

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