Sunday, May 18, 2014

Rhymes On The Newsworthy Times-Harvard May On Michael Johnston Pull Commencement Address Plug

No Education in PC Harvard School of Education Land
It would appear that Harvard’s School of Educations is about to join the list
Where a commencement speaker choice, a vocal minority chooses to resist
Senator Michael Johnston is a strong supporter of school reform
A heretic that believes teachers should be tested on how they perform
He has committed the cardinal sin of not making tenure the Holy Grail
Handcuffing boards stuck with teachers who to their students fail
Why is it that charter schools always seem to succeed?
While teacher union dominated public schools fail, stuck in union greed?
School boards and officials held hostage to a treasure chest of contributions from union dues
While no matter the money, with no accountability, real education our schools eschew
I do not have a draft of Johnston’s commencement address
But am troubled that his ideas a minority of students are seeking to impress
Not even graduates, yet already afflicted with the disease of orthodoxy and a closed mind
While their future students in public schools keep falling on the world stage further behind
Lux et Veritas in Cambridge may no longer shine
Switched off by the vocal pathetic PC whines. 
© May 18, 2014 Michael P. Ridley aka the Alaskanpoet

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