Sunday, March 31, 2024

MSNBC's Meltsdown, Throws Script into the Air Over Trump's Attack on Judge Merchan's Refusal To Recuse Due To Daughter's Political Consulting Firm Raising Millions For Blues Due To CaseRaatnApolusr aae piopccriipotonWa


Nicole Wallace and Rachel Madow are in a race
To see who any shred of news objectivity can best erase
In an outrageous emotional anti-Trump meltdown, Wallace aping Pelosi threw her script into the air
For Trump attacking Judge Merchan's daughter an activist consultant whose firm has raised millions off Trump's case a fact she did not share
Whether his daughter speaks to him about the case is beside the point
A judge must be free of the appearance of lack of family influence to be the judge to appoint
The left has often howled loud and long
That Justice Thomas because of his wife's views on many SCOTUS cases does not belong
Pelosi at least in a somewhat dignified mode
Slowly tore each page of the SOTUS to her disgust unload
Wallace throwing her script into the air
Was more like a spoiled 4 year old in a temper tantrum parents are burdened to bear
If viewers want an echo chamber of news covered in biased slants
They should tune in to watch Wallace and her leftist puppets’ rants
But if they want to avoid catching the painful biased pox
They should tune into the network that that has balance like Tarlov, Ford and Williams, watching Fox

© 3/31/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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