Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Biden Mocked For Junk Fees For More Leg Room on Planes That He Claims As Racist


When a word of profanity or a word denoting a despicable trait
Is used again and again so often and at the drop of the hat it’s utility abnegates
When everyone and every act is by the left condemned as being racist
It becomes much more difficult to combat vestiges of racism that still exists
Into the war on racism enters Biden who is cognitively impaired
And with this stern condemnation another example of racism he shares
Biden railed on the practice of some airlines to charge more for certain seats
Those with 6 inches more of leg room to the sardine travelling experience defeat
He called them “junk fees” that hit persons of color most
Another example of racism while flying across the coast
Typical for a leftist to conjure racism against any traveling Hispanic or black
With complete disregard for Americans’ average height facts
The average height of white males is slightly higher than blacks
Even higher than Hispanics who greater height lack
For white females the average height compared to black females is almost 2 inches more
And compared to Hispanic females they lag by 4 ½ inches in that score
As might be expected our president was rightfully mocked
Watching him mentally struggle we should not be shocked

© October 26, 2022 The Alaskanpoet


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