Monday, June 3, 2019

Rachel Madow Dropping Fast

Rachel Madow who used to be a star at MSNBC has been hit with a one two punch
Fox News has consistently day in and day out eaten her lunch
She doesn’t understand the simple truth that daily advocacy bias gets old
Americans for their political views a need to change are being told
Her ratings have dropped to the lowest since Trump the election won
More and more Americans her brand of bias want to shun
Punch number two is that paragon of left wing news has issued a ban
Now longer its reporters can appear on RMS cable TV land
Too far left with too much bias that reeks
In droves they are at other networks the news to seek
For a women that is supposed to have IQ she is clueless on how to attract people to view
First the news needs to be not fake but news which can only occur if advocacy is dumped
And instead of an echo chamber of the left some guests that are not rabid anti-Trump
She needs to understand that when advertisers are paying big bucks
If her ratings fall because of bias she will be out on the street on of luck
Hate to see a person whose salary is cut or is out of a job
But in Rachel’s case if it occurs will be hard to sniffle or sob.

© June 3, 2019 Michael P. Ridley the Alaskanpoet 

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